A review by tobyyy
#scandal by Sarah Ockler


I picked up #scandal after I noticed it was free to read on Pulseit, and after I'd seen that some of my friends here on Goodreads had read it. The title alone was enough to make me curious.

And I did enjoy it. It made me a little sad because Lucy went through so much pain as a result of someone getting revenge, but in the end, it led to her growing as a person so very much more than she would've had her senior year been smooth sailing. Sarah Ockler did an excellent job, too, in portraying the nastiness of plotted revenge, high school or not, but also did a good job in helping the reader see Lucy get a fresh perspective on herself and her approach to life.

The ending though. Wow. I did not see that coming, at all. This book was full of surprises, and that's really what bumped it up from a 3.5 to a 4.

I really don't think that I had any particular disagreements with the way that Ms. Ockler writes, or the way that the story is told. It just didn't quite hit the spot that some other books do. Perhaps because I felt that some aspects of high school weren't portrayed very realistically. Perhaps because the family element seemed a little... off, in a way that I'm not sure I can describe.

However, despite my uncertainties over why I didn't really "click" with #scandal, I recommend it for anyone who wants a fast-reading, attention-grabbing look at a high school "scandal."