A review by sarah_moynihan
How to Catch a Wild Viscount by Tessa Dare


'Luke Trenton, Viscount Merritt, returned from war a changed man. Battle stripped away his civility and brought out his inner beast. There is no charm or tenderness in him now; only dark passions and a hardened soul. He has nothing to offer the starry-eyed, innocent girl who pledged her heart to him four years ago.

But Cecily Hale isn't a girl any longer. She's grown into a woman--one who won't be pushed away. She and Luke are guests at a house party when a local legend captures their friends' imaginations. While the others plunge into the forest on a wild goose...er, stag chase, Cecily's on the hunt for a man. She has only a few moonlit nights to reach the real Luke...the wounded heart she knows still beats inside the war-ravaged body...or she could lose him to the darkness forever.'

How to Catch a Wild Viscount is Tessa Dare's debut novella and is on the shorter side at about 75 pages.

I'm a little late to reading her debut novella, but I've recently started reading her books so I wanted to give this novella a read. I love a good gothic spin, plus the pretty cover caught my eye so here I am. And I really enjoyed it. As a novella, it's obviously short and as a result some of the supporting characters were a bit flat and the main characters a bit obvious. But for a debut novella, it's really good! I'm glad the original name of this novella, The Legend of the Werestag was changed for this reprint because I find that original title to be a bit misleading.