A review by caitrod_tx
Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon



Sigh. I debated really hard between 3 and 4 stars on this one, because it did not have the ending I hoped for, but then I decided that just because it didn’t end the way I wanted it to doesn’t mean it didn’t end the way it was SUPPOSED to. There is love, there is heartache, and there is a little bit of magic.

Brief Synopsis: Evie Thomas doesn’t believe in love anymore after witnessing her parents’ failed marriage, so she is surprised when she is drawn to her dance partner X. Evie finds herself falling in love while also having visions of the outcomes of the relationships of those around her. Will Evie end up with her happily ever after? Is the joy of in the moment worth the heartache that could come later?

Side note: the narrator of this audio book has the best voice!