A review by jamiebooks15
The Story of the Human Body: Evolution, Health, and Disease by Daniel E. Lieberman


This book took a while but I really enjoyed the writing and the style. Lieberman basically started at the beginning of our evolution and painted a clear picture of how we got here, why our bodies are the way they are, and why certain diseases impact us. It was really, really fascinating. Basically, we aren't meant for this world, our big brains have created an environment that our bodies aren't suited for. We naturally crave sugar and fat which will cause us to get sick. It's all kinds of interesting and frustrating. If anything, my takeaway is that a deeper understanding of why I do certain things - why I crave certain foods or why I prefer sitting to standing or driving over walking or wearing shoes over being barefoot - are totally natural in my environment, but also not what my body was meant to do. Not that we have to totally buck cultural and societal norms, but it has certainly given me a lot to think about.