A review by heartofoak1
The Giant's House by Elizabeth McCracken


i should have known better. this book had intrigued me years ago when it was first published but somehow i never managed to read it. then i found a copy so i said, "why not?" now i know why. from the beginning it was slow moving and kind of circuitous. i felt like i'd start to learn something about the characters but before long it circled back to the beginning and i was all WTH??? then there was the whole premise that a 20 something librarian developed a "thing" for an "overly tall" 11 year old. CREEEE-PEEEEEE!i just couldn't deal with it. i skipped ahead to find out how things wound up *SPOILER ALERT* the giant dies and SOMEHOW the librarian lover winds up pregnant!!! but it's not what you think! the baby daddy is the giant's daddy! so she "got her james back." beyond gross and weird and disgusting. a definite must miss.