A review by sjj169
Scala by Christina Bauer


Myla Lewis. The Great Scala. A Main character who knows how to kick your arse and then dry your eyes when you are crying about it. I adore her.

This book starts off where the first one [b:Angelbound|18459932|Angelbound (Angelbound, #1)|Christina Bauer|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1378424620s/18459932.jpg|26112300] leaves off. Myla is officially the great Scala. She hasn't performed her first time in moving the souls from purgatory to either Heaven or Hell because an Orb that blocks souls from entering Heaven has not been found.

The book does suffer some of the second book syndrome but I still really like the story and characters enough that I can move past that.
Myla still has enough of mouth on her (with no filter) that I root for her no matter what she has gotten herself into. No insta-love between her and Lincoln either...Just hotness.

This image from the back of the first book is just perfect of these two characters.

Adair-that chick who wanted to have Lincoln and be the Scala heir in the first book comes back in this one as the little bitch that she is. Be prepared to hate her.

This book is much shorter than the first book in the series. I kinda hate that. I missed the time with some of the characters..but that just means that Christina Bauer can write some more books about them. :)

I recieved a copy of this book as an ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review. That in no way affected my review of this book. Cuz well everyone knows I'm a bitch if I don't like a book.