A review by katyanaish
Conspiracy in Death by J.D. Robb


I really enjoyed this one - probably my favorite in the series to date - and honestly, seeing Roarke and Eve deal with issues together is such a joy. They've each gone through terrible shit and needed the other ... and they support each other beautifully.

Part of me is furious with how Eve was treated in this one, and wanted her to really spend some time thinking about whether she wanted to take that badge back. But I think that was just the broken-hearted part of me. In reality, I can recognize that her people all supported her, and bent over backwards to make things right. And that makes for a group of people that didn't deserve to be punished about being backed into a legal and political corner. They never showed any doubt about her innocence, and so though this all hurt, I'm glad it didn't break anything between them all.

The mystery was interesting, but felt a little ... mmm, reminiscent of the guy torturing people in the name of science. Maybe just that megalomaniac personality type who decides that they are a god and can take life if they deem it to be in service of the greater good.

As a side note, though, I'd still like to see consequences, at least a little bit. I couldn't believe that dickhead standing there in the hospital spouting off about the dregs of society being life that has no value. Why didn't Roarke fire that shithead immediately? I don't care what the personal situation was, the fact is, the head of your super hospital saying such things is a bad, bad look, and should be immediately terminated.