A review by ladybirder
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky


I've just started a psychology course and as much as I fell in love with the Charlie within the first few letters, I couldn't help but speculate about his mental health. Autism came to mind a few times, and post traumatic stress, but it wasn't something that distracted me too much from the plot.

I thought he was a lot younger than 15 and it took me a while to get the voice of a twelve year-old out of my head. He has quite a naive attitude towards life and is almost too honest, but I think this just made him so lovable.

I loved the letter format and the explanation of who the letters were sent to. The epilogue is just heart breaking, but I think this is what gives it an edge compared to the Catcher in the Rye. I didn’t think this book could beat Catcher, but it has!