A review by mehsi
Scout Is Not a Band Kid by Jade Armstrong


I received this book from the publisher/TBR and Beyond Tours in exchange of an honest review.

This was a fun book about a girl named Scout who got it in her head to go to band so she would be able to attend a festival. At first she is horrible at music and you just want to shake Scout a bit to just do the practice but then things go better and better and friendship is found and I just loved seeing Scout grow. Get better. Scout was so relatable. Haha. I just loved that girl. And I also liked Scout’s friends Merrin and Lou! I loved for each friend (and also Scout) we got a small introduction with pronouns and what they were good at. That was fun! There were a few things I was less a fan of but that had to do mostly with how done the graphic novel was. Sometimes text bubbles were empty (thus no clue what they were talking about), some pages had full colour, others had nothing or just a dot here and there, some were just sketches. It was a tad confusing. So I will definitely be buying the book to add to my collection and see the finished product. I would give this book drum roll: Star rating, 5 stars

Read my blog for 15 reactions I had for this book: https://twirlingbookprincess.com/2022/04/blog-tour-scout-is-not-a-band-kid-by-jade-armstrong-15-reactions-while-reading/