A review by booksanddachshunds
Fierce Fragile Hearts by Sara Barnard


**Disclamer: I did received this book via NetGalley. This had in no way, shape or form affected my opinion on it.**

Full review on the blog!

First thing first, Our main character is suffering with Complex-PTSD from her past abuse; having went through therapy in the past and is still getting helped through the novel. Although we do not have the same illness, as I am suffering from anxiety and not PTSD, I relate to Suzanne alot with how she react to it; avoiding the ones that loves her when her “crisis” happens as she refuse to have them worry for her.

The relationships in this book are really well made! We see how Suzanne’s two best friends (Caddy & Rosie) means so much to her and help her through the novel. Although that don’t mean they don’t pick up fights – which makes the all so much more realistic to me. We are following the long-lasting relationships of those three girls, while discovering three new ones aswell. They are forming and evolving throughout the book, just like real friendship does; I particularly appreciate the bits where Suzanne “loses control” and get mean with them, and shockingly they stay. Because they love each other and we all know fury can make us say crappy things we don’t actually means.