A review by sherpawhale
Batman Eternal, Volume 3 by Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV


Oh me, oh my!

So, disclosure, I got behind last October or November on almost all my comics, aside from Batman and Catwoman. I read all of this book pretty much in one go, and I think it was stronger for it. To be honest, there was not enough material in this series to stretch out over a year. I think it benefited from the long-running mystery of just who is the big bad (loved the reveal; it was perfect), but at the sacrifice of just wanting it to be over with. I follow a few review sites that were actually keeping up with the book on a weekly basis, and I know they were getting antsy. So the volume is the way to go.

Overall, favorite interactions in the series:

Selina and Killer Croc. It was great to see Selina step up and head off in a new direction (her new book by Genevieve Valentine is excellent, do give that a look) that really seems like a natural fit. And Killer Croc is a personal favorite underrated villain, and while I don't think he quite got his chance to shine, I think Tim Seeley did wonders with his tenous partnership with Selina.

Teen Batfamily. While I missed Dick Grayson's place in all of this, seeing Harper and Tim and Stephanie and Jason and Barbara was great. Kinda wish there was a specific book about the Batfamily, since they mostly all have their own books now.

The Spectre and Batwing. I wasn't particularly enjoying this arc, but after reading Gotham by Midnight and this last third of Eternal, I started really digging their interactions.

Julia Pennyworth was also a welcome addition/return. She adds a new dynamic to the cave and its stronger for it.

Bruce/Batman himself was kind of meh in this story, his typical surly, determined self. I could have used a bit more than the typical "drive Batman to the brink; oh, I can't touch him right now, he has to be at his peak."

Overall, I'm glad I read Eternal. I'm sure there's already something big in progress to pick up the pieces. My wish, if that's what going to happen, is that they focus on more personal stories and arcs that can be wrapped up in 5 issues or so, no more than 10 at most. Less big mystery, more ground focus. Despite that, it was pretty awesome to finally see the reveal after a year and it was someone who you would not expect. Pick up for that, if for nothing else.