A review by jawanfares
Wizard's Masquerade by Jay Pellegrin


I received an advance review copy from BookSirens for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

4 fun stars!

This was such a fun read. I really loved the FMC in this book because she wasn't perfect and had a lot of conflicting emotions that I could relate to.
The magic, the mystery, the allure. I was absolutely immersed in this world. I loved the concept, the characters, the plot, the pace.

One telltale for me that I'm really really enjoying a book is when I can't stop thinking about when I'm going to pick up my kindle to continue reading. For this book, I found myself having lunch/dinner while reading because I could just. not. put. it. down.

What I enjoyed about this book:
- The cover of this book...umm hello? It was because of the cover + title that I decided to give the book a go and it did not disappoint
- Strong FMC, really loved Leyna with all her flaws
- Loved the magical concept of this world
- The love interest, no spoilers but honestly this was so so enjoyable. The banter was e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g.
- There was little spice (but when the spice came, it delivered) , but the angst was top notch
- The MYSTERY! I felt like I was solving a puzzle, and I actually left little notes on my kindle where I keep guessing things. The amount of gasping out loud - it was refreshing, I didn't have that kind of reaction in a while. The way this book kept me on my damn toes to the very end...*chef's kiss*
- The side characters were sooo fun and there were alot of funny moments
- It was fast paced, I didn't feel like things dragged on for too long
- Perfect amount of dialogue vs. inner monologue which I APPRECIATE
- The way things tied up in the end to make the plot all make sense while still leaving me wonder on a few things about the love interest (I'm hoping we explore more of it in the second book)

What I wished for:
- Since there will be a second book, I just wish there was a bigger cliff hanger (this is obviously personal preference as other people don't like cliff hangers).
- More POVs, again this is personal preference but I enjoy the storyline alot more when I am immersed in different people's heads.

All in all - I can't wait for the second book. I hope we explore the world and magic and secrets more (because let's face it, there's still alot of mystery that hasn't been covered yet).