A review by ambeesbookishpages
Her Best Shot by Shannyn Schroeder


The full review can be found at The Book Bratz!

Even though I enjoyed Her Best Shot it was disappointing in many aspects. For one, it was a novella. It was around 130 pages. Yeah, it was a quick and easy read it didn't go into a enough detail for me to really make a connection with Phin or Layla.

Layla just landed a job at the NSA and is ready for a week of partying with her best friends. With this being their last spring break before they graduate they are convinced to make it thier greatest. But, when Layla's car breaks down and she runs low on money those plans are put on hold. Spring break is turning into a disaster until she meets Phin. A pool hustler.

Phin was an interesting character. He is a former Gypsy. Having left that life style years before the story takes place. I just didn't know enough about him to really fall in love with him like I wanted to. Layla was hard to relate to as well. I only related to her because she has panic attacks, which is horrible to say but I know how they feel. There just wasn't enough information there. If the novella was a novel and another hundred or two hundred pages then I probably could have related to the characters.

The story its self is what kept me reading. Near the end I was unable to put it down because I needed to know how it would end. I wasn't disappointed in the ending. Her Best Shot was lacking things that a good story needed. I do recommend to anyone looking for a quick weekend read, or a new adult romance.

RATING: 2.5★