A review by riskyduck
The Man Within by Lora Leigh


One of the most disturbing covers I've seen because I can't shake the conviction that they gave Taber a female's body with some added armpit hair and weird arm muscles. He has boobs! And at least a size 2 waist.

This book spends half its time creating conflict out of a Big Mis that's pretty stupid and weak. I actually liked it more than [b:Tempting the Beast|592806|Tempting the Beast (Breeds, #1)|Lora Leigh|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1255718976s/592806.jpg|579543] because Roni and Taber are less ridiculously overblown. If it's possible though, this book had less plot.

Taber's pretty sweet, actually, and there's more adorable cat analogies (e.g. purring) in this book. It's a shame neither H/H have much character.