A review by thereadinghammock
Skyfarer by Joseph Brassey


Finished this book a bit faster than I expected to, if only because the Kindle version includes the preview of the next book in the page counter, so all of a sudden I had finished!

I love a story that doesn't get in it's own way trying to give you the set up of the plot. Most great TV shows have a "cold open" or drop you right into the middle of an already in progress story, which you kind of get with this book. Obviously that's much easier to do with TV and movie formats, so the author does well given the constraints of the format. Once you get through the initial two chapters to set up the conflict and characters, it's off to the races with an action-driven story that gives you little down time to mull and brood over the conflict at hand.

I had a few hunches as we got to know our characters, and while I may not have been on the nose with some of them, I was at least in the ballpark. I'm looking forward to picking up the next installment as soon as it's ready so I can see how the rest of my hunches pay off and/or how the ones I had continue to evolve!