A review by amyjoy
Three Sides of a Heart: Stories about Love Triangles by Natalie C. Parker


Generally, I really liked all the stories in this collection. Some of them were *chef's kiss* wonderful: Rae Carson's "Omega Ship" made me want an entire novel, Tessa Gratton's "Before She Was Bloody" and Bethany Hagen's "Unus, Duo, Tres" were great stories to end the collection on. A couple of them were weird and just generally not my bag: I did not Get "Work in Progress" by E.K. Johnston.

I was going to complain that the stories were mostly very heteronormative, but I just double checked, and 6 of the 16 stories (37.5%) are super gay (a couple others are potentially gay, but I read the relationships more as friendships rather than romances), which is more than I was remembering. At any rate, only one ends in a happy three person relationship, which I was sort of hoping for more.

The same percentage of authors are non-white, and there are only two dude writers in this collection.