A review by seasonforreading
It's Not You, It's Me by Gabrielle Williams


It's Not You, It's Me by Gabrielle Williams is a Freaky Friday-esque YA, following Holly and Trinity's body swap (and time travel).

Holly is not particularly thrilled with her life. She has a safe but boring boyfriend, her best friend is dead, her mother didn't seem to love her, or know how to show it if she did, and she never accomplished the things she set out to do. After having lunch and heading home in Melbourne, 2020, she wakes up to find herself in Trinity's body, in Los Angeles, 1980. Confused and uncertain, Holly manages to work out the connection between herself and Trinity, an orange typewriter that they both owned called Brother Orange. Holly is able to communicate to a less than impressed Trinity, who is stuck in Holly's body in 2020. Holly does her best to work out what is keeping her in 1980, and manages to change her future at the same time.

I loved this novel! Gabrielle Williams does a fantastic job of putting the reader back into the 1980s, describing the clothing, cars and lifestyle in detail. The story is fun and engaging, and I definitely laughed very loudly when reading about Trinity's escapades in Holly's body.

My favourite part was that even though Holly was in Trinity's body, Trinity's muscle memory remained, as well as her feelings, memories and instincts. This added such a nice touch to the story, as we got to know who Trinity was even without 'meeting' her until the very end.

I absolutely loved the ending, it made me feel so happy. It wasn't quite what I expected, which made it all the better.

It's Not You, It's Me is a gorgeous YA that grabbed my attention and held it. I finished this book within a day, because I found it so engaging. If you liked Freaky Friday, you will absolutely love this book! To be honest, you'll love this book regardless of whether or not you enjoyed Freaky Friday... I definitely recommend this to all lovers of YA, especially lovers of #LoveOzYa!

A huge thank you Allen and Unwin and Gabrielle Williams for the gorgeous review copy, I loved this book and I highly recommend it.