A review by lovesbooksandtea
The Museum Murder by Katie Gayle


[Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for gifting me an eARC in exchange for an honest review.]

Epiphany “Pip” Bloom is a mistake-prone Londoner who just wants to find a job she’s good at and ideally not get fired. She stumbles into her latest employment while visiting a memorabilia museum in London, but there’s a catch. On paper, she’s a buyer, responsible for sourcing new displays for the museum, but in reality, she must also find a missing dress worth thousands of pounds. And when someone turns up dead, Pip knows she has to solve the mystery before it’s too late.

On the plus side, the characters are fun and the novel itself is very well written. As with most cozy mysteries, the murder happens off-screen and the story is more focused on the quirky cast of characters than on creating suspense. I’m a little torn on this one because ultimately the mystery was good and it had a nice little twist at the end but some of the inciting incidents were completely unbelievable and pulled me out of the story.
SpoilerThings like forgetting to renew insurance policies and museums doing poorly in a major city like London read like plot devices.
As well, the actual murder felt like a bit of an afterthought, which was confusing considering the book's title.

Overall, I would recommend this book to anyone who is in the mood for a very light-hearted cozy mystery.