A review by thedailykaylee
Marrying Mr. Wrong by Claire Kingsley


Not my first by this author and won’t be my last!

-standalone, but is part of the dirty martini running club interconnected series
-dual POV
-(sort of) insta-lust/love

Alright here we go! So, I have to say that I really enjoyed this one! I had multiple laugh out loud moments. Sophie is a clutz! If it’s going to happen, it’s gonna happen to her! The situations she found herself in, I actually found pretty funny! It might be a little over the top for some readers, but as a clumsy and unlucky person myself, I found it funny. The plot was well rounded and was cute and funny. It made sense WHY Cox would want to keep the marriage for a few months before divorcing. I absolutely loved the scenes with her dad. And let’s just say the bedroom scenes were pretty dang scorching. Like I said, I really enjoyed this book. It was definitely what I consider a light rom-com read with some good smutt.

Now, the reason for the deduction of a star if I enjoyed the book so much? Well, let me explain.

Although I really enjoyed our main characters, there were a few things that just felt off and screwed up the flow of the book for me (slightly) when it comes to their personalities. Sophie: at certain times she came off very child like. Pouting and telling him, “I’m still mad at you, you were mean to me”. But they wayyyyyy she said it was just very child like. When they have their “angsty” breakup moment, I can’t remember word for word what she said, but I remember thinking again that she was acting very child like. And maybe child like isn’t the right words I’m looking for? I’m definitely a very strong willed and independent woman (my poor husband will agree) and the way she acted at those times just seemed so... whiny? Again, I think that’s the wrong word, but hopefully y’all get what I’m trying to say. And then Camden at one point sits on the bed and pats the bed and says “come here” in a soft yet serious tone. Again, maybe it’s just me but the way it was written felt as if he was preparing to have a conversation with a child rather than the woman he’s sleeping with. It just felt weird. Not enough to deter me from liking the book, but definitely enough that I might have cringed a little on those parts.

The other thing that I (personally) didn’t find appealing was Camden’s nickname “sugar bug” for Sophie. I’m a Texan as well, but no Texas man better be calling me sugar bug lol but this might just be me, I’ve never been a big nickname/term of endearment person.

Other than those few things, I did enjoy this book. It’s not my first by this author and definitely won’t be my last.

Oh, before I go: there is definitely insta attraction and although they don’t say “I love you” super quick, they do develop feelings for each other pretty fast.

*I borrowed this book through kindle unlimited. I did not receive an advanced copy from the author*