A review by jlee76
The Widow Wore Plaid by Jenna Jaxon



The Widow Wore Plaid had the promise of being an excellent book. The book finished much more substantially than it started. I enjoyed the plot, especially the last half. Unfortunately, I disliked the heroine Jane. I found her cold and selfish; however she did try and redeem herself, I had difficulty believing she had fundamentally changed. I enjoyed Gareth’s character more after he quit begging for Jane’s hand in marriage. Gareth was sweet and patient towards Jane, never getting irritated. I found that endearing, yet at times I had wished he had spoken up for himself.

That being said, I enjoyed the plot immensely. Once the couple came to an understanding, the story moved quickly and flowed well. There was some mystery and a lot of intriguing danger. The couple faced a barrage of difficulty and forged a stronger bond. The passion between Gareth and Jane was undeniable. There were four points of view in the story, making it more robust and well developed. One point of view teased for a new book or series.

The Widow Wore Plaid is the sixth book in The Widow’s Club series. I would read another book by this author. Jane’s character was the only stumbling block I encountered, and I feel most of that is a personal preference. Bottom line, I liked the book, the storyline was solid, and I think the writing style and plot encouraged me to read more by this author.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advance copy of this book through Netgalley and the publisher. All thoughts and opinions are my own.