A review by slc54hiwi
God's Harvard: A Christian College on a Mission to Save America by Hanna Rosin


Recently finished this one and found it somewhat interesting. Patrick Henry College is an interesting phenomenon and probably worthy of serious study or analysis but this book doesn't provide either.

Written more like a multi-part "Style" or "Religion" article in a newspaper, the book just skims the surfaces of several important & interesting things: homeschooling & secondary education for homeschool graduates; the inter-twining of religion and politics; the clash within PHC's moral structure of the patriarchal form of Christianity it promotes versus educating bright young women to be political activists; the emotional engineering of male/female relationships (e.g., the "emotional purity" standard & courtship).

I guess we'll have to wait for social scientists to produce research on these topics before we can see a serious account of any of them.