A review by theonionboy
Infinite Stars: Dark Frontiers by Jack Campbell, C.J. Cherryh, David Farland, Susan R. Matthews, Brenda Cooper, Tanya Huff, Becky Chambers, Weston Ochse, Neal Asher, James Blish, David Weber, Robert Heinlein, Seanan McGuire, Gardner Dozois, Curtis C. Chen, C.L. Moore, Sharon Lee, Alan Dean Foster, E.E. "Doc" Smith, Steve Miller, Steven Barnes, Arthur C. Clarke, George R.R. Martin, Orson Scott Card, Mike Shepherd, Kevin J. Anderson, Kristine Kathryn Rusch, Larry Niven


Like all Becky Chambers' books, the dialogue and interaction between characters are fantastic. The story was just a short piece that would have fit into one of her other books. It feels like a deleted scene from "The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet" (I think). I guess it can stand on its' own, but I would have liked more.