A review by annashiv
Eon: Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman


2.5 stars

It was okay, but has some serious problems, mainly with the characters.

The writing is actually pretty good, and the pacing was spot on and was ultimately what kept me reading, but the main character is just so stupid. It takes her forever to figure out the most obvious things, and I think it's because the author chose to reveal too much too quickly. I think she was eager to explain this world and set it up so she could prove she knew what she was doing, but it made everything extremely predictable. There wasn't a single surprise other than the deaths of characters, which weren't all that shocking. I don't think the front of the book should list what each dragon is the keeper of and I didn't find the map all that helpful. Knowing the Mirror Dragon was the keeper of truth just made everything super obvious which made it annoying that the character couldn't figure it out.

The author really holds your hand through the entirety, and it just made the book so much worse. I think 30% of it could have been cut, mainly the internal dialogue the character has with herself and the comparisons of events to previous events. It just really doesn't allow the reader to be tested or be smart because you're told who you can trust immediately and we're given every step of every little thing, and it just made it all seem forced rather than naturally impactful.

Overall, it was just fine. It held my interest and had an interesting concept, but I think it was poorly executed in the end. I won't be picking up the second book. Mostly because I just doubt Eona's going to get all that much smarter.