A review by git_r_read
Night Child by Jes Battis


This book moved fast! Grabbed on and didn't let go. I liked Tess, the main character. She is definitely dealing with a lot on her plate. She is investigating a murder and trying to do a good job of it as there is a child involved. Tess wants to protect her, but gets removed from the case just as she's making headway. She knows she's been a bit of a screw-up, but she wants to do better.
I really didn't like her main boss. Demeaning Tess at every turn. I'd be hard-pressed to work for him. Her immediate supervisor and the folks Tess works with make up for it for the most part. She's obviously proven herself to them.
There's still quite a lot to learn about Tess and the people in her life. I look forward to finding more about them all.
Definite recommend.