A review by corimccarthy
Letters From The Light by Shel Calopa


Before I kick off this review, I would first like to thank the author and publishing team for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review! I was truly excited to read it, and now let's get to it!

This book was an absolute adventure! When I read the synopsis for this book, I was immediately intrigued because it was something unique and something I personally haven't heard of before. This is a dystopian read set in Australia, and light being the one source not everyone can have. The elite caste live in constant light, and the lower caste live in pure darkness. When reading through the story, we get to see character's from both castes, and how different they really are. One of my favorite things about this book was all the character pov's we get to read from. Getting to see the different ideals, and motivations from both sides of the caste was truly interesting to see. It took me a couple of chapters to fully remember who each character is, because the pov switches every chapter and there are 5 main point of views, but once my brain accustomed, I really did enjoy it! Out all the different character's I found myself really invested into Harper and Sam's story lines! Every character in this story was really intriguing, and by the end, I felt connected to all of them, just in different ways. The only thing I would say was the beginning was a bit slow for me, and all the different pov's happening, but as the story went on, I enjoyed it!

All in all, this book was truly a joy to read, and I would recommend it to anyone who loves a good dystopian, sci-fi read! Get ready for some amazing characters, an intriguing world, and an unforgettable story!

"She threw her hood back and shook her auburn hair out in a very un-Sisterly manner. For a moment they were just two girls out for an afternoon stroll, not two highly-trained operatives."
-Shel Calopa

Final Rating: 4/5 Stars