A review by michaelchurch
Green Lantern, Volume 4: Dark Days by Robert Venditti


Oh man I wanted to like this book so much more than I did. The thing is, the last volume really put the title in a really solid position for a new start. Unfortunately, that opportunity is squandered on a nonsensical storyline that flies in the face of trying to establish any actual universal laws of physics for the sake of introducing a new villain who is, quite frankly, one of the most bland and boring characters I've read lately.

Rather than taking an opportunity to really dive into these characters and how they must be reeling from recent events, Venditti jumps into a new story with the universe coming to an end. That's not hyperbole. He literally has the corps fighting against the end of the universe. No one has any likable moments really except for Kilowog. There are traitors and jerks and fascists and you really don't want to root for anyone in this book. What's worse is that the outcome just damages the mythos. It's Green effing Lantern. Who wants a book about the lanterns where they won't use constructs? That's what makes the book fun and visually interesting.

That's another thing. Billy Tan has an interesting style, but I'm not totally sold on it. There's a realness, but it's also somewhat inconsistent and it makes the characters seem short and pudgy. It just was rather underwhelming. I forgot how much I liked the look of the last few volumes.

I'm still on board and there is some good action that keeps the story moving, but it's really only superficial. Venditti needs to really step it up if he wants the book to still be worth reading.