A review by book_grinch
Unlovable by Sherry Gammon


I'm somewhat divided about this book.
First of all, i admit that i had great expectations about it, and unfortunately the outcome of those high expectations, most of the time aren't pretty....

So...the story seemed really interesting and i was really looking forward to reading it, mainly because it was very different of what i have been reading lately, and i confess that Maggie's story catched my interest.

Bottom line, I liked Maggie, i liked reading about her. Her story was so sad, that if i could, i would have entered her story and would have removed her from her abusive mother.

Then enters Seth.
Prince charming Seth. He's an undercover police officer working for MET, a kind of narcotics agency.
Now... Seth is amazing, and is head over heels over Maggie.
Even before he really gets to know her. Sure he would see her in school where he was pretending to be a student, but that was it. No believable relationship development.

I would have liked to read more about Seth's undercover job. I would have liked to "see" him in that role. His personality needed to be more worked, because just knowing that he was a great guy, didn't cut it for me. Especially considering the enviromnent that Maggie comes from....

There were some parts where the story became a little boring. The balance could have been better.
Then when Seth and Maggie become a couple, for me there was just too much sappy comments. Too much: "I love your kisses....i love to kiss you...i want to kiss you..kiss me...".
I understand this route the author took. Maggie has been mentally abused and the author wanted to give her someone really sweet. And she did.
So maybe the problem is with me. Or maybe, it was just a little too much...

Oh, and one last thing that really bothered me. I didn't like the attempt to redeem Maggie's mother through the letters that Maggie will find. A person who writes those kinds of letters, would care if her child had broken her arm. Drunken or not. Some people you cannot place in a "gray area". Their place is in the black area. Unregenerate and unlovable. yes. You can say that alchool is a disease. Very well, i will give you that. But i believe that drinking just makes you loose your inhibitions showing you what you really are. Not transforming a good caring mother into a monster. Because the monster was there all along.

Nonethless all the problems above, i'm still curious enough to read the next books of this series.