A review by redrumreads
Oracle by Thomas Olde Heuvelt


 There is a difference between a favorite book and a favorite author in my mind. Thomas Olde Heuvelt is a favorite author. I have now read all of his books that have been translated thus far. I pray to Nunyunnini that there are many, many more to come.

Thomas has a way of storytelling that is hard to come by in horror. His stories are poetic and meaningful with a lot of heart. Although his books are haunting and dreadful, I also feel like i’m reading a love letter. I mean come on, a hundreds of years old ghost ship set amongst a tulip field? I want that tattooed on me.

Robert Grim is such a grumpy yet charming character and the bond he formed with Luca gave hope throughout the book.
The North Sea itself is terrifying to me and all of the imagery in this book was unsettling and downright scary for me.

‘Echo’ now has some competition for my favorite. Mountains or the Sea… which is more unnerving??