A review by rray_
Invincible Summer by Hannah Moskowitz


EXCELLENTLY written with very compelling characters and narrative ultimately saves it, but made problematic with some potentially questionable (and arguably unrealistic) depictions of a rape survivor, who then tries to seduce, manipulate and arguably in turn rape the brother of her boyfriend, and ultimately the rather blase, laize-faire and even outright confusing attitudes the two brothers have about the encounter. It's enough of a distraction to create confusion regarding how the reader should feel and sympathize with both characters (enough that I hesitate to put it on my "unofficial sixth star" best reads of the year shelf) but not enough to deny it a full 5/5 stars on Goodreads.

*more or less representative of relationship in book:"

Chase: Hey, bro, your girlfriend...she tried to seduce me, manipulate me and you can even say she like tried to borderline rape me and I'm like...eh. I just kinda want to get laid this summer. So I like let her.
Noah: That's cool. What's mom making for dinner?

Also I swear to God Chase and Noah are actually more into each other than Melinda.