A review by gail_dancer
Amnesia by Peter Carey

Did not finish book. Stopped at 21%.
Coming down off a brilliant 5 star Dan Brown book, I set about on Amnesia with excitement. The opening chapter fuelled my interest with the expectation of a story about prisoners being released worldwide from a techno-hacking - but from there the storyline just divebombed and got messy. Deadbeat Aussie journalist Felix rambles on about politics and war, sentences and paragraphs had to be reread to make sense and the overemphasised ocker slang seemed more designed to impress American readers than reflect what I actually experienced growing up in Australia in the 80’s. Peter Carey started with a great story concept then flushed it down the toilet. First book from me in years to be relegated a DNF. There are far too many books more worthy of my reading time to waste any more hours on this one. I’m done!!