A review by goldandsalt
The Fixed Stars by Molly Wizenberg


For the first third or half of this book I was preparing a review that went like this: "beautifully written, and I'm glad it exists, but didn't do much for me." Then I got sucked in and came to like it more, and enjoyed the read.

I've been reading a lot of memoirs lately, and I'm not sure why. They just continue to be the most interesting option when I'm picking my next book. I've done a lot of digital highlighting in them and then revisiting those marked passages before returning my copy to the library. I'm learning from them - how to live a good life, how to be in community, and to shake up my own patterns.

In this book, I didn't highlight anything. It was interesting, it was enjoyable to read, I nodded along in agreement often, but it didn't pierce me the way some of my recent reads have. Maybe because it interrogates parts of life that I feel secure and happy in, but doesn't interrogate the domains where I'm questioning and insecure.

Anyway, I feel the need to repeat that this book is lovely and I found nothing wrong with it. It just didn't flatten me, which is a tall order, I suppose!