A review by cexleybooks
Giving Up the V by Serena Robar


Spencer is the last girl that needs a prescription for the Pill. Sixteen year old Spencer is a virgin and is happy to be. She is happy to wait until she’s with the right person to have sex, rather than get obsessed about it like all her friends in her crew.

Spencer has always been the girl her friends confide in. Her tight group of friends include Ryan, the player; Morgan and Justin, the on-again/off-again/on-again rocking couple; her best friend, Alyssa, who is so petite she looks like she is only twelve; and good old Zach. It isn't until Spencer lays eyes on the new transfer student, Ben, that she even considers putting her pills to good use.

It doesn't help when her friend Zach starts keeping his distance from her. Though he assures her that everything is okay, Spencer isn't so sure. And she's also confused when she realizes that Zach has started to sport some well-defined muscles of his own.