A review by kschilke
The Teachers: A Year Inside One of America's Most Heartbreaking, Uplifting, Important Professions by Alexandra Robbins


A quantitative and qualitative account of challenges with teaching in America.
If you didn't already respect teachers and their profession and dedication prior to reading this text, it would be hard to imagine you wouldn't after reading. Leaders in positions of power to make decisions that impact education and teachers should definitely read this.
While the research in this book mostly focuses on K-12, and the first-hand accounts on K-5, I would have loved to see information on high school, higher education, and even daycare. Maybe those are other books in the making....

I do need to point out that I listened to this book over audiobook and the narration was really difficult to get through when the narrator chose to perform certain accents/dialect for the different teachers. I'm not sure if she received permission to try and mimic the individual's accent for narration purposes, but I found it hard to listen to. Not because it was hard to understand, but because it came across more like a caricature of sorts to the point where it seemed borderline offensive. Maybe other people listened and didn't find issue with it, but it did start to become distracting.