A review by books_plan_create
Rosebush by Michele Jaffe


Jane wakes up in a rosebush. She can't call out for help, she can't move, and she doesn't remember anything from the night. While she is in the hospital recovering, she keeps getting mysterious phone calls from the person who hit with a car. Someone telling her they are going to finish the job. But, no one believes Jane. Is she crazy, making it all up?

Through the course of a few days we find out along with Jane what happened to her at a party to the time she woke up in a rosebush.

Edited to add: I am changing my rating from 4 stars to 5. I am still thinking about this book almost 2 weeks later!
This was an awesome book. From start to finish, Michele Jaffe didn't disappoint! I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a good YA Mystery. And of course, if you haven't yet, you need to read [bc:Kitty Kitty|2298960|Kitty Kitty (Bad Kitty, #2)|Michele Jaffe|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1214277770s/2298960.jpg|2305291] and [bc:Bad Kitty|790319|Bad Kitty (Bad Kitty, #1)|Michele Jaffe|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1178383763s/790319.jpg|1008848] also by Michele Jaffe.