A review by professorfate
Vixen 03 by Clive Cussler


I love Dirk Pitt. When I pick up one of the books from this series by Clive Cussler, I know I’m in for a rollicking good adventure with lots of action, beautiful women (is it me, or are almost all women in movies and books beautiful?), beautiful old cars and fun interplay between Pitt and his usual companion, Al Giordino. These books are like good action movies: just turn your brain off and go with it.

“Vixen 03” has always been one of my favorites and it was a pleasure to reread.

In 1954, an Air Force plane takes off from an air base in Colorado, bound for an island in the Pacific, with a flight plan that is faked to show them taking off from Southern California. Why the secrecy? We don’t know. What is the plane carrying that makes them try to take off in a blizzard? We don’t know. The plane, however, develops problems and crashes in the Rockies.

In 1988, apartheid is still in power in South Africa and a “terrorist” organization called the AAR (the African Army of Revolution) is trying to unseat them and the world is silently cheering them on. The government hatches a desperate plan to swing world sympathies to their side.

How are the two related? Through a series of incredible coincidences, of course—as per usual in Cussler’s fiction (I told you you had to turn your mind off and go with it)—and Dirk Pitt is in the middle of it all, of course.

It’s a lot of fun and a quick read, so pick it up and enjoy.