A review by bibliophile90
Commander in Chief by Katy Evans


**ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review**


"Every day, I wonder what you're doing, who you're talking to, who you're smiling at, and I want it to be me."

Mr. President was one of my favorite reads of 2016 and I was pretty excited when I found out it wasn't a stand-alone. Some stories you just can't fit in to one book. Commander in Chief was a great book and it reminded me why I loved Matt and Charlotte so much in the first book. Matt was perfect, there was nothing he could've done to top anything he did in this book. I fell hard for him in Mr. President and in this book that feeling just got stronger. He is definitely one of my all time favorite book boyfriends. Charlotte was her strong, sweet and independent self and was such a great support to Matt. They were always honest with each other and didn't hide their feelings, that was what I found the most beautiful about their love.

The author did an amazing job with this book. She took us on a beautiful journey of Matt and Charlotte's love and showed us how their love evolved. These two are one of my favorite characters, that are also such a perfect couple. They always kept each other in mind and never hurt one another. Their love was so pure and amazing and I was swooning throughout the whole book. I especially enjoyed reading the love making between the two. Matt is so passionate and dirty, just the way I like my men. The main reason why I didn't give this book 5 stars is because of the second half of the book, which in my opinion felt like a very long epilogue that showed us snapshots of their life together. I love a little bit of drama in my books or something that tests the love of the couple, just to bring some action into the story. But overall this book was a beautiful conclusion to Matt & Charlotte's perfect love.