A review by roxnn2000
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini


A very interesting and strange read.

When Helen meets new boy, Lucas, for the first time at school she had this overwhelming urge to kill him while also acknowledging that he is the most beautiful boy she has ever seen. Despite this urge to murder one another they both cannot help be drawn to the other. Sometimes love is stronger than hate, but not even the gods could stop what was coming next.

I went back and forth a few times when reading this story. At times I thought it was intriguing and I wanted to know more, at others I was lost and almost found myself rolling my eyes at what was happening.

We spend the first few chapters getting to know Helen and how her life is. She has a best friend, Claire, her other good friend, Matt, and lives with her single dad, Jerry, who runs a store alongside another woman, Kate. These characters are all set in their roles and other than a few moments where things make no sense, it works.

After we meet Lucas, we are also introduced to his family as well. Lucas lives with his father, Caster; mother, Noel; Uncle Pallas; Aunt Pandora; sister, Cassandra; and his cousins, including Hector. Again, each plays a role and is good in it.

I found that most of the story was fine, but there being so many characters that at times I was confused at who was who. I had to remind myself that Claire wasn't part of Lucas' family and just how they were all related to each other. Despite the fact that many of them played a role in some way or another I just couldn't keep up with them at times, except for a Lucas, Cassandra and Hector.

Something that really bothered me was finding out that Claire suspected that something was up with Helen all along despite the fact that up until she learned the truth she kept asking her what was wrong and why was she being weird. It was a small thing, but it just threw me for a loop.

Another thing was near the end when Daphne shows up she reveals a major secret about Helen's father that turned everything on it's head. While I like the idea of the twist about that and everything, what bothered me was that a chapter or two later we, the reader, find out that it wasn't true at all. The point was to keep Lucas and Helen apart, but it is not explained why as it is made clear by Daphne's relationship with Ajax that two Scions from different houses could be together. It just confused me completely and I didn't get it. What was the point? If it had been kept a secret through at least a majority of the next book from everyone, including the reader, then it would have been a major surprise later on. Now, when Helen learns the truth its going to seem like old news to the reader who's known since the first book. Kind of looses it's impact at that point.

Overall, despite the weirdness and everything, I enjoyed the story and wanted to read more. I hope to find and read the 2nd book in the series real soon.