A review by __karen__
The Forever Dog: Surprising New Science to Help Your Canine Companion Live Younger, Healthier, and Longer by Rodney Habib, Karen Shaw Becker


This is an impressive book that addresses how genetics, environment, diet, supplements, etc. affect canine health. It doesn't shy away from complex concepts; there's no "dumbing down" of the information presented. I listened to it in "chunks" (while walking the dog :) and that worked for me -- there's so much information packed into each chapter it would be overwhelming to read (or listen to) for hours on end.

I'm glad I also bought the Kindle format because there's so much detail provided about various foods, herbs, supplements, and Kindle notes will make it easy to re-reference specific information.

If you have a dog, I highly recommend The Forever Dog.

Edited to add this interesting CTV interview with the authors: