A review by jennybrycebooks
Seven Days of You by Cecilia Vinesse


Actual Rating: 3.5
This review and more can be found on my blog!

This is a good book. The writing is great, the setting is amazing, the characters are well-written and likable. This would be a solid 4.5 even 5 stars from me if it weren't for one thing. Sophia. I swear, I tried to get over it. I tried to accept her for who she is and just move on. But OH MY GOD. She's pretty much everything I hate in an MC. She constantly feels sorry for herself. She gets jealous literally every two seconds. She says dumb shit but instead of apologizing like a normal person she wallows in self pity. I'm sorry, I just can't. If I can't connect or at least empathize with the narrator of a book, I just can't fully enjoy it. Which really sucked in this case, because as I said before, this is a really good book!
I LOVED the setting. As someone who's never been outside the US, I love getting to experience other countries and cultures through books. Reading this book made me want to go to Tokyo so bad!
I also really liked pretty much every other character besides Sophia. Mika and David were so hilarious, and they seemed like such fun friends to have. I really liked Caroline, and it pissed me off that Sophia was so mean to her just because she was jealous of her. I also really liked Alison, and I loved their sibling relationship. And then there's Jamie. Oh, Jamie. Sweet, innocent Jamie. I loved him so much, and I just wanted to hug him and tell him that he deserves so much better than Sophia. Even though their relationship was super cute, I couldn't fully get into it because I was just so mad at Sophia the entire time.
Overall, this is just a case of a bad MC ruining a perfectly good book. If you are not like me, and you're okay with reading from the POV of someone who's a little frustrating, I would say go for it.