A review by theresidentbookworm
Radiant Darkness by Emily Whitman


Unlike most of my friends in middle school, I never read the Percy Jackson series or showed much interest in Greek mythology. I guess I'm just a rebel because I refused to show an interest in the popular area of history for kids of my age. Still, even I have a certain fascination with the story of Hades and Persephone. Everybody loves a story of forbidden love, and I'm no exception. I've never liked the traditional myth, preferring reworkings like this one where Persephone actually makes an active choice to be with Hades.

Unfortunately, while I did love the premise, I felt like the narration fell slightly flat. Persephone read as a whiny, naive teenager more than anything, and though it might've been the goal of the retelling to make her more accessible, I would have appreciated more maturity from a girl who is actually immortal. Her relationship with Hades, though sweet, was not focused on enough. I'm not going to say it's insta-love even though it is because that is actually part of the source material, and I did like how Whitman had them spend a little time together before Persephone left with him. Demeter really grated my nerves, and I just did not understand why she was so suffocating. Hades was absolutely perfect: just enigmatic to be mysterious and just sweet enough to be endearing. I'm more of a Hermes girl, but I guess that's just me.

Overall, Radiant Darkness was a quick and fulfilling read if not an overly satisfying one. I guess I just expected more depth from a retelling or at least more of a twist. I guess I'll just have to keep trying my luck.