A review by elegantfantasy_blogs
Creole Kingpin by Meghan March


I loved this duet with a passion! Magnolia Maire Maison was a strong woman who survived on the streets after her great aunt threw her out. She was a prostitute but later became a Madame. She spent a week with Moses Gaspard and both of them fell in love. He promised to return back to her but it took him 15 years.
“Magnolia Marie Maison is a complex woman that no average man would ever be able to unravel.”
When he comes back he learns that Magnolia killed a hitman in self defence and now his psychopath brother wants revenge. Together they fight and find a way to get out of the mess.
“But before I could get to this phase in my life, where I was free to come back for her, there were a hell of a lot of hurdles to jump. More than I planned on, that’s for damn sure.”
"The heartbreak that comes from falling for Moses Gaspard isn’t something I can experience twice.
Not that I’d ever admit to him exactly how badly it destroyed me."
It was interesting to see the walls that Magnolia had built around her crash because of Moses. I loved their bitter sweet relationship and the character build-up.
(In this book Keira and Mount's daughter Aurora a.k.a Rory was sooo adorable, I couldn't get enough of her!)
Loved the book overall!