A review by hybum
Chasing Shadows by Paul Costanzo, Tom DeLonge, A.J. Hartley


Wowzers. This is a pretty incredible book. I'm not sure if this franchise is the biggest thing since the Renaissance, as Peter Levenda describes it, but it is pretty freaking awesome. Very long, but very fast paced. It drew me in right from the first chapter, and I stayed up late to finish it once I hit the last 100 pages, something I haven't done with a book in a while. The storyline played out very much like a movie, following the events of several different characters. At times, it was difficult to keep up with who was who, but for the most part it was pretty easy to follow. A lot of it made me think, huh, this might be real. It's tough to delve into it without giving away spoilers. Suffice it to say that I'm taking it as a work of pretty much total fiction. Intriguing, with ideas that I think could be true, but I'm not buying into the grand scheme. Until further notice. For those interested, the AVA EP is incredible as well. Excellent music.