A review by perib
The New One Minute Manager by Kenneth H. Blanchard, Spencer Johnson


I’ll start this off honest - I didn’t pick this book for myself. It was given to me with training for a management position at my job. I hated every second of this book and spent most of my time reading paragraphs and reading them back to my partner so we could both laugh.

Spoilers ahead but who’s excited about the ending to a manager book?

Starts off with and continues on a “young man” who’s whole goal is to be the best manager. Already lost me because I don’t need a story. Please just give me examples of the techniques? The whole manager training wrapped up in the Alchemist thing gets old quick and takes away from the bullet points at that actually help you understand how to lead positively and effectively.

So he meets the manager who gives him a list of employees to go talk to and each of them greets this young man like he’s on a quest for a wizard lol. I can’t explain it they all say stuff like “you have a puzzled look on your face, you must have been sent by our manager. Isn’t he the most outstanding guy.” It reads like he’s collecting herbs for a potion to change the King back from a frog.

It took me 2 weeks to get through this. It’s thinner than a composition book. The points were great and could have just been offered with examples that weren’t drowned out in heaps of worship like praise for a manager.