A review by beytwice
Hinton Hollow Death Trip by Will Carver


What a twisty turny unusual ride! Having read Hinton Hollow Death Trip’s predecessor recently too, I am slowly getting the hang of Carver’s unorthodox way of writing. This book in the series definitely leans more into the comfortably conventional thriller zone and I think it struck a nice balance of keeping what Carver does best but not foiling the momentum.

The story is narrated by Evil which I found a refreshing insight (think along a similar vein to The Book Thief in format) and didn’t feel overdone as per the manifesto format in Nothing Important Happened Today. I think this latest addition works well as a stand-alone but I would recommend reading the books in order as some key plot points are referenced in this one. I thought this thriller was extremely well constructed up until the last quarter which I found to be really strong or really weak in equal measure depending on which page I was reading!

Trigger warnings for child and animal deaths do apply, sometimes in quite graphic detail, as well as some mentions of suicide. If any of these are quite sensitive for you I would avoid delving in!