A review by tayleigh
The House Witch by Delemhach


This book was just lovely. It was like a warm hug in a book. 

This book follows Fin who is a house witch starting a new job at the royal household’s kitchen. Witches were persecuted for a long time but it was deemed illegal 50 years prior to the start of this story. Most witches are tied to a certain element but a few witches have been born with different abilities which some witches seem as defective. Fin’s magic is one of those and can only use his magic inside a place he considers his home and his magic is to protect and care for a home but cooking is his passion. 

Fin has an abrasive personality that tends to rub people the wrong way but also endears them to his antics and brand of chaos. Due to this he ends up insulting some knights and as punishment the knights are sent to work under his as dishwashers and vegetables peelers.  He also gains the attention of the young prince and viscountess with his blunt personality. 

We learn about Fin’s rough life growing up and his reluctance to tell people about his magic while he makes new friends and found family with the kitchen staff. 

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