A review by thecontrarybookworm
My Diary from the Edge of the World by Jodi Lynn Anderson


TOTAL - ★★★★★

This book . . . wow. I blew through it in two days rather than ten, like the last book I read.

Plot - ★★★★★

The plot goes pretty quickly, but it's not afraid to go slow at points, which I loved. It's at the slow parts where the relationships between the characters are expanded upon and the main character's thoughts and emotions are shown best.

Writing - ★★★★★

Anderson has done a marvelous job of telling a story in diary form from the head of a quirky twelve-year-old. It's not the easiest thing to pull off, but it was done very well.

Characters - ★★★★★

At first I wasn't sure that I liked all of the characters, but when everything clicked into place at the end, I loved them all and I was emotionally scarred.