A review by qalminator
Revenant Gun by Yoon Ha Lee


Very satisfying conclusion. 9 years after Cheris-Jedao's bold calendrical spike, Hexarch Kujen returns to finish off the upstart breakaways from the Hexarchate. Oh, and he's created another Jedao. Sort of. Cheris got most of his memories, so he's a bit lost, particularly at the way people react to him. Beautifully intricate plans-within-plans-lead-to-more-plans plot.

We get a bit more servitor culture, and find out that the "moths" actually have a living creature at their core. An enslaved living creature, driven nearly extinct in the wild by Kujen's efforts to create ships for the hexarchate. The most interesting bit is that Kujen was once someone who cared deeply, so deeply that he wanted to make sure that no one would ever starve again. How that changed would be a spoiler (the one quote marked as a spoiler in my highlights gives the basic idea).