A review by ebonygreads
A Special Cornish Christmas by Phillipa Ashley


A Special Cornish Christmas is about a Christmas that changes everything… FMC Bo owns a cafe by the harbour and enjoys all things vintage. She and her two friends Angel and Ran go to see a mysterious fortune teller who happens to tell the three of them the exact same prophecy: You will meet the love of your life by Christmas Day.

Bonita, who goes by Bo, has a passion for vintage music. She participates and arranges dances for those who enjoy the taste for vintage songs. Last Christmas, Bo starts to fall for Hamish and just when she tells him that she loves him, he tells her he is leaving her… for his wife.
Honestly, I was so shocked at this and I really did feel bad for Bo. I feel Bo is quite hard to understand at first as she doesn't give much away at first and is very reserved when it comes to opening herself up again. However, the more you get to know her the more you understand her behaviours and why she is so reserved about opening her heart back up again.

Angel, Bo’s friend, who dances in their group, goes through a horrible break-up from her husband, who runs off and doesn’t tell Angel where he is going or if he is with someone else. Angel does suspect that he has been having an affair and is attempting to discover more details about what happened.
Enter, Ran who is going through his own relationship issues after essentially running away to Cornwall after the breakdown of his relationship with his soon to be ex wife… who may or may not turn up.

I found it very strange that the title is solemnly around Christmas and yet the first half of the book is through the end of summer and start of Autumn. I went into this book expecting it to be more christmassy than it was. If you like books that are a bit lighter on the christmas aspect but still would like a bit of romance then this would be perfect for you!

I did enjoy the aspect of the secret fortune teller and the mystery of Tommy, Angel’s husband's disappearance. I felt so bad for Angel, but glad she got her dreams worked out and in retrospect, it was probably losing her husband that made her take her next big steps. I also loved the dancing and music aspect of the book, this was very refreshing.

I do not want to say too much about the relationship development of a certain two characters as I don’t want to spoil the book, however what I will say was that it was absolutely adorable. These two were meant to be together!