A review by wrentheblurry
La Cucina: A Novel of Rapture by Lily Prior


This felt like an Italian [b:Like Water for Chocolate|6952|Like Water for Chocolate|Laura Esquivel|http://photo.goodreads.com/books/1165605175s/6952.jpg|1172473], which I also gave four stars. A woman deals with a demanding and domineering mother (and a slew of brothers). Lots of food and cooking is involved, and the passion that stems from the culinary activities extends into sexual activities, and vice-versa. I especially liked that the main character became a librarian, though portraying her as the stereotypical dowdy sort of library worker did not please me, heh.

It's a light and easy read with a dose of food and sex. The ending seemed fairly eye-rolling, but it didn't bother me enough to rate it lower. It was sort of expected, after all.