A review by mintlovesbooks
Gin and Daggers by Jessica Fletcher, Donald Bain


Knowing that Murder, She Wrote seems to be such an institution in the world of cozy mysteries, I had high expectations coming in. For reference, I haven't actually seen any of the TV episodes before, but I feel like they would be a good pre-requisite for this book.

Perhaps I should have lowered my expectations because this wasn't a super satisfying read for me.

I get the sense Bain expected that many of his readers would already be familiar with Jessica Fletcher and her friends, which is definitely fair at the time given that the TV series came out first. However, this doesn't quite work for newbies to the series like me.

I kind of feel like I've been plopped into a world I don't quite understand. If you told me that this was a book from the middle of a series, I would have believed you! I think more development of Jessica and her background would be necessary to help new readers familiarize themselves with the series, but fans probably won't need these reminders.

This is a mystery in the vein of Agatha Christie, with a big cast and lots of twists and turns, which made for a fun read. However, I felt that the book ended way too abruptly. Because there were so many threads in the mystery, the book could have benefitted from spending more time on the end so as to wrap everything up neater.

If you're already a fan of Murder, She Wrote or you want to find out more about this series, I'd recommend giving this book a shot at your local library. Otherwise, I don't think I would recommend this book.

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